Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others.
Equipping families with practical approaches to parenting and marriage.
We believe God puts leaders in positions of influence in all segments of society and in all the nations of the world to fulfill His purpose.
At GCM, we've seen firsthand how digital tools can be used for advancing the Great Commission. Digital allows access to places and people that have never been reachable before, and we want you to be a part of reaching people with the gospel.
It focuses on working in partnership with churches on a non-denominational basis, offering trainings, discipleship, church planting, ministry materials and resources among others.
PRAYER is the heart of Great Commission Movement of Nigeria ministries.
Helping to provide media tools, training, strategies and resources for evangelism in every needed language.
What we believe about the gospel and our call to serve every nation.
When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen.
Great Commission Movement of Liberia Congo Town, Tubman Boulevard, PO Box- 520 Tel: +231 -886419327 Email:; website: Facebook: @gcml, Instagram: @gcmliberia
We journey together with everyone towards a relationship with Jesus.
Learn about our national, area and global leadership teams.
Learn about our national, area and global leadership teams.
Learn more about our staff team and what they do
Each ministry of GCM, as well as individual staff members, gather a team of people who fund the work to which God has called us. Our efforts are only made possible through the generous donations and prayers of people like you, vital partners in ministry. Thank you.
To find answers to many general questions, you may explore the following links:
111 Wall St.
New York, N.Y. 10043
Telex: 02362992
Swift Code: CITIUS33
For credit to: Ecobank Liberia Limited
Account number: 04411683
Swift code: ECOCLRLM
We would like to assist you with any questions, concerns, or feedback you have. To speak with someone, you can call our office at Tel. +231-886-550-035 between 9-5 p.m., GMT.
We seek to maintain the highest standards of integrity before the Lord and before you.
We invite you to read our stewardship guidelines which give an overview of our organizational donation policies. Among the topics are our commitment to biblical stewardship, guidelines on donor confidentiality, and much more.
You can contact us at
©2023 GCML - A ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International. All Right Reserved.