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The Magdalena Women of Transformation


The Magdalena - Women of Transformation, Women Encounter started January 2018 in Liberia. It was birth from the Magdalena women conference we attended in Ethiopia, August 2017. We were encouraged by what we saw happening there and motivated to start in Liberia.

Since we started in Liberia, We have reached Two thousand and more women around the country. Through our meetings we have travelled to ad worked with people from Nimba, Lofa, Cape Mount, Rivercess and around Montserrado Counties.

What we do?

  • Story telling for evangelism

  • Empowerment training

  • Jesus film showings

  • Conference in light of enlightenment

We were bless to have been invited by Sis. Clara Bedi to Freetown to demonstrate Magdalena storytelling for evangelism.
From the inception Mary Magdalene has been a blessing to every woman that have encountered the group, most especially in their personal relationship with God through the Magdalena storytelling (Telling stories from the word of God, the bible).

We have trained women on how to do evangelism as a way of life - to reach other women and make them get closer to God and their Bible. The storytelling is a easy way to witness Christ to others. Most of the story about women in the bible are very interesting story, like the woman at the well.

Mary Magdalene Empowerment
Mary Magdalene ministry also train women on how to use their hands to make money like: making soap and fix bees. Mary Magdalene has conferences for women every year and go out to rural area for story telling,training and empow- erment.
Equipping Women for Minisrtry Empowerment training and bible story- telling to help fulfill the Great Commis- sion.


I am Audrey Joy Davis, a recent graduate from the Cuttington University. I attended the Magdalena-Women of transforma- tion Conference under the theme “Vision Casting”.

It was an exciting and educational experi- ence for me as my knowledge expanded on evangelism and discipleship through the Jesus Film. I was privileged to be there with 16 other women and baby Gertrude at the Gethsemane Spiritual Center.

During our time there, we had amazing devotions and sessions while meal was served three times a day. I had the opportunity to chat with some of the ladies and learned a lot from their personal experiences in their walk with theLord. WecoveredmanytopicsduringthedevotionsandsessionswhichhasequippedmywalkwithGodand prepare me to be more effective in evangelism and discipleship. I was moved by this session “Storytelling” which was facilitated by Mrs. Rose Garway and Mrs. Emma Ekyinabah.

I see storytelling as a simple tool of sharing my faith with others through God’s word. It is narrating a story from the word of God to others, with the aim of winning them to Christ. It is important to be strategic about story telling without adding our own thoughts but spelt out important truths that are placed in the story according to God’s word.

Interestingly, during the storytelling sessions, Mrs. Marie Morris an elderly woman who is an expert in the Bassa vernacular was given the platform to share the story about the birth of Christ in English. She did a great job narrat- ing the story. I believe that she will serve as an evangelist of the gospel where ever she finds herself through story telling despite of her limitations in writing and fluent English speaking.

Upon my arrival from the Vision Casting conference, through the help of the Holy Spirit, I have made it an obliga- tion to share my faith with at least three persons every week. I am glad that I attended the Magdalena, Women of transformation Vision Cast Conference.

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